Driving down CO2
Bike couriers often bring more packages in a single day than a truck equivalent. Of course, they are emission-free and much safer for local residents.
Save fuel
Our bicycle couriers don’t consume fuel like other modes of transport, like cars and lorries. For cities where pollution is constantly increasing, bike couriers are a welcome and environmentally-friendly way to move parcels and documents.
Faster service
Cycle couriers don’t get stuck in traffic the way most motorised transport can. They can be ridden along bus lanes, cycle-only routes and wheeled through pedestrian areas, and also parked easily on arrival.
Staying safe
With the cultural shift towards more eco-friendly ways of living, cities are continuously improving their cycle lane network to provide safer routes for riders.
We want to demonstrate how you can continue to see success with your business, while still supporting the on-going commitment to environmental improvement and sustainable development.